Growing up in Germany, Veronika completed an apprenticeship with the Deutsche Bank near Cologne. After the fall of the Berlin wall, she took a post in the former East German town of Potsdam/Brandenburg where she assisted with the local re-establishment of Germany’s banking system in the new post-communist era. After 10 years working at Deutsche Bank, Veronika emigrated to New Zealand with her kiwi husband and first child.
While raising three young children, she studied from home to become a qualified NZ Accountant in the process winning the annual adult student learner award with the Open Polytechnic of NZ. During this time Veronika kept busy with accounts practice in various voluntary and paid roles as treasurer/book keeper. She also successfully founded a local playgroup which included the securing of government funding and fundraising $35k for a permanent playground.
Entering the market as an Accountant, Veronika worked for several years as a contractor providing bookkeeping and payroll services to a local retail chain with 5 physical and 2 internet outlets.
For the last 10 years Veronika has been employed by a medium-sized law firm as an Account Manager / IT / Practice Manager. She has successfully streamlined and automated the financial and Trust Account systems there and is now excited to be able to maintain these under contract while offering her expertise to other small & medium sized businesses - and in particular Law Firms - to do the same.